GKN Aerospace Suppliers

At GKN Aerospace we strive to operate with the highest ethical standards. We call this “doing the right thing” and it is at the heart of our mission of becoming the most trusted and sustainable partner in the sky. Our suppliers are an integral part of this mission.

Trollhättan Maingate Signage

GKN Aerospace supplier code of conduct

At GKN Aerospace we strive to operate with the highest ethical standards. We call this “doing the right thing” and it is at the heart of our mission of becoming the most trusted and sustainable partner in the sky.

Our suppliers are an integral part of this mission.

Download Supplier code of conduct 

Cybersecurity protections

Notice regarding the importance of cybersecurity protections for sensitive information: It is an unfortunate fact of the modern world that theft of information from computer and information systems occurs on a regular basis. We are all aware of numerous cyber-theft incidents.

All Suppliers to GKN Aerospace have committed to keep our sensitive information confidential. The cybersecurity of your computer and information systems is essential for you to meet your confidentiality obligations.

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Supply chain management policy

GKN Aerospace has recently updated its supply chain management policy to draw attention to the companies support of the principles of the UK Bribery Act 2010.

All suppliers are required to comply with the policy in all aspects. A copy of the policy can be found in the Divisional Purchasing Information section of this supplier portal.

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