US global technology centre

Lone Star Commerce Center Branded3

At a glance

102,410 ft2

Floor space


Planned office


Planned workshop

Up to 100

Planned personnel

US Tech Center

Hub for dynamic collaborative development in Fort Worth, TX

  • Innovation driven by industry leaders, customers, and strategic partnerships
  • Positioned as a transition hub for global technology integration
  • Recipient of grant funding from the City of Fort Worth, focused on creating highly technical jobs, pushing technological boundaries, and driving innovation and economic growth

Development Plan Highlights

Our phased development plan signifies a commitment to innovation, collaborative growth, and sustained success at the US Global Technology Center


Phase 1

Launch of initial operations Introduction of specialized office and Additive Manufacturing Center of Excellence (CoE)


Phase 2

Fit-out for office and common areas Substantial growth of Additive Manufacturing CoE


Phase 3

Expansion into additional technology areas Inclusion of new partners and collaborators