Transparencies Aftermarket Services
About our transparency aftermarket
Our transparency aftermarket services offers a comprehensive window repair, framing and exchange service to airlines and freight carriers that can achieve up to 20% savings on their annual ATA 56 spend.
We are able to meet the needs of commercial transport operators for faster, more responsive and optimum cost-effective cockpit and cabin window maintenance. Certified repair stations provide global support to aircraft operators with comprehensive component overhaul services and factory new replacement windows.
Transparencies Capabilities
Full frame shop, flexible repair pool, world class turn time, unrivaled customer service support, certified repair centres, one stop shop solution.
Transparencies MRO Certifications
GKN Aerospace Transparencies operates under Federal Aviation Agency (FAA) Air Agency Certificate P9AR279J, European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) Part-145 Certificate EASA.145.6209 and Civil Aviation Administration of China (CAAC) Maintenance Organisation Certificate FC0100771
Transparency Aftermarket Services