Aftermarket Services & MRO

We support our customers in operating their aircraft and engines, safe, reliable, sustainable and affordable.

Aftermarket Services

Core business

Our core business is the timely delivery of spare parts and MRO solutions for aircraft, engines and components when and where our customers need them. With global service centers located throughout Europe, USA and Asia and a full range of specialised logistic and supply chain solutions available, GKN Aerospace means world-class service is always close at hand.

Fan Blade Repair. Photographed At The San Diego Factory 2004.

Repair Solutions

Global Excellence in aero-engine repair solutions

For over 30 years, GKN Aerospace has led the industry in aero-engine repair solutions.  With centres of excellence in America, Europe, and Asia, we're leading the way in fan blade repair with 54,000 blades repaired yearly, and we also specialise in fan disks, blisks, outer guide vanes, engine cases, and large structures. We support 400 customers and service the world's most used single-aisle engines, including the V2500, CFM56, GTF, and LEAP, as well as widebody and military engine programs. We recently invested $55 million in a new 150,000 square-foot facility for aero-engine repair solutions in San Diego, California, doubling our capacity in the region.

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  • Our Capabilities & Certifications
  • Engines Gasturbines

    Engine services

    Minimising downtime is vital for every operator of aircraft engines and industrial gas turbines.

    To meet this demand, we tailor maintenance solutions to fit specific operational needs and we always work in close cooperation with our customers. 

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  • Aerostructures

    Aerostructures services

    A complete aerostructures MRO service specialising in primary and secondary structures with extensive knowledge of both metallic and composite repair techniques.

    Exceptional customer service, operational excellence, a one-stop shop solution and uncompromising safety standard are our core business.

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  • Gkn Aerospace Landing Gear 01 780X488 Min

    Landing gear services

    We deliver best in class MRO capabilities for landing gear of a wide range of helicopters and aircraft, through rigorous qualification and certification standards and innovative repair and test technologies.

    Our MRO portfolio includes landing gear of the F-35 and F-16 fighter aircraft as well as the landing gear of the Apache and NH90 helicopters.

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  • 2L7a1263

    Transparencies aftermarket services

    Our transparency aftermarket services offers a comprehensive window repair, framing and exchange service to airlines and freight carriers that can achieve up to 20% savings on their annual ATA 56 spend.

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