GKN Aerospace obtains EASA STCs for ADS-B out modification for the Boeing 747 & 757

EASA has issued Supplemental Type Certificates (STC) to GKN Fokker Services for ADS-B Out modification for the Boeing 747-400 and 757-200 & 757-300 aircraft, including freighter versions.

Each STC can be used to install all compliant transponder types in combination with every compliant GPS source offering a unique and valuable solution to operators with mixed configurations in their fleet.

Multiple GKN Fokker Services customers have already ordered the Boeing 747 and 757 ADS-B Out modification enabling them to be prepared for both the FAA and EASA mandates in 2020. FAA validation of both EASA STCs will follow later this quarter.

ADS-B Out (Automatic Dependent Surveillance - Broadcast) is a common system on-board many aircraft that automatically broadcasts relevant data from the aircraft towards air traffic management organizations. ADS-B Out data includes the identity of the aircraft, the GPS location, and direction of flight. A new, so-called Version 2 (DO260B), ADS-B Out system will become mandatory in 2020 in Europe, USA, UAE and various other countries. The new ADS-B Out mandate involves an upgrade or replacement of the ATC Transponder and the GPS receiver. This will enable optimization of the airspace and minimize the use of ground radar stations. In the next decade, most of the airspace throughout the globe will be using ADS-B as the primary means of surveillance, replacing radar. This will include the oceanic environment (Satellite ADS-B).

After obtaining EASA and FAA STCs for the Bombardier Q400, the Airbus A320 Family and the 737 Next Gen, GKN Fokker Services is expanding its ADS-B Out program to other aircraft types. These include the Boeing 737 and 767. GKN Fokker Services is also applying for STCs from other airworthiness authorities.

We are extremely happy with our new EASA STCs for our competitive and innovative ADS-B Out solution for both the Boeing 747 and 757 aircraft. The STCs are truly differentiating, since these encompasses all compliant transponders and GPS sources. Our STCs will also allow our customers to modify their aircraft very cost-effectively and with a minimum of downtime, typically during just one or two overnight checks. Furthermore, with our STCs, the customer has the option to update or replace existing transponders with transponders from different vendors.

Erik Lous Product Manager ADS-B Out at GKN Fokker Services